Internatıonal Congress Livenarch-VII 2021
İngilizce çağrı metni:
This e-mail is an open call for the International Livable Environment and Architecture Congress: “LivenARCH Congress VII: Other Architect/ure(s)”, which will be held on September 28-30, 2021, organized by Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture, Trabzon, Turkey.
We welcome you to share your knowledge around to the content and themes of the Congress, and will be very pleased to host.
LivenARCH Congress VII: Other Architect/ure(s)
- Politics/Policies/Laws/Regulations/Ethics
- Economy
- Nature/Environment/Public Health
- Human/Behavior
- Technology/Material/Sustainability
- Philosophy/Theory/History/Discourse
- Criticism/Method
- Identity/Culture/Tradition
- Urban/City/Landscape/Rural
- Design
- Interior Design
- Conservation/Transformation/Re-use
- Education
- Arts/Aesthetics
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Melih Öksuz
LivenARCH Congress VII 2021 Congress Head
Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture