12. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu

12. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu

2021 Yılında on-line olarak yapılacak olan 12. Sinan Sempozyumu duyuruya çıktı. Sempozyumu’un teması “Mimarlık ve Teknoloji”

Call For Papers

Call For Papers – ONLINE Symposium
ISS 2021: Architecture and Technology

Dear Researchers,

12th International Sinan Symposium will be held by the Faculty of Architecture in Trakya University, Edirne on 8-9 April 2021 with the theme of “Architecture and Technology“. Our symposium will be enriched with presentations from your university. Because of the COVID- 19 pandemy, for the first time, this symposium will be held ONLINE.

Technology is defined as “the equipment, developed for the aim of controlling and changing human’s material environment, and the all information related to them”.* Nowadays, while technology is transforming architectural design into tangible, at the same time it determines the possibilities of architecture. Given that human needs are at the heart of the design action, technology also affects the transformation of cultural and social values.

A number of questions come to mind at this point: Is unmanned technology possible in the design process? Does the technology determine the design, or does the design determine the technology? Is technology the keystone of architecture, is it ‘a must’? Can we reject the contribution of technology in the twenty-first century?

We meet at “The XII. International Sinan Symposium” in the frame of the theme of “ARCHITECTURE and TECHNOLOGY” with an interdisciplinary perspective. In order to discuss on the axis of social components the effects of technology in the field of design, building production, conservation, and urban and landscape scales, we call for papers under the following headings:

1. Design and Technology

2. Building and Technology

3. Conservation and Technology

4. City and Technology

5. Environment, Energy and Technology

6. Social Interaction and Technology

7. Design after the COVID- 19 Pandemic

Note: Patent studies are expected to be submitted by the right holder and/or patent attorney**; other than these it is expected to focus on the research results.

* TDK, 2011, Turkish Dictionary, Ankara High Institution of Culture, Language and History, Turkish Language Instituion Press, p.2307, Ankara.

** Trademark agent: Persons representing rights holders on behalf of the organization in matters relating to brand, design and geographical indication and traditional product names, Patent attorney: Persons representing rights holders on behalf of the organization in matters relating to patent, utility model and design rights. (Industrial Property Law No. 6769 published in the Official Gazette dated 10.01.2017 and numbered 29944)

Symposium Language:

The official languages of the symposium are English and Turkish. 

Important dates:

Deadline for Submission of Abstract: 20 September 2020

Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 01 Novembver 2020

Deadline for Submission of Full Paper: 01 January 2021

Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: 01 March 2021

Symposium Date: 08-09 April 2021

Stay healthy,

Symposium Secreteriat 


Önceki İçerikGünün Kitabı: Varoluşçu Psikoterapi
Sonraki İçerikŞehir ve Hayvan – Patika Yayınları


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