7. Uluslararası Mimarlık ve Yapılı Çevre Mimarisi Konferansı Ödülleri Japonya’da Açıklandı

S.ARCH 2020 awards

7. Uluslararası Mimarlık ve Yapılı Çevre Mimarisi Konferansı ÖDÜLLERİ/ ARCH 2020 MİMARİ PROJE ÖDÜLLERİ, 07-09 Nisan / Tokyo, Japonya’da açıklandı.

The 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with Architecture AWARDs
S.ARCH 2020
07-09 April   I   Tokyo, Japan

> Winner in the Category COMPLETED PROJECT – Public/Commercial


KAAN Architecten, The Netherlands

NeueChambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat (CMA) Hauts-De-France is located within s.arch 2020 awards - 1Eurartisanat district in the south of Lille, an area identified by the juxtaposition of heavy traffic infrastructure and lush greenery. The building’s geometry, minimalist aesthetics and transparency embrace the nature reinforcing the link between north and south and opening the fabric to the botanical gardens north of the site.

Spreading over three floors a total of 17.300 m2, the building houses offices for the local and regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts and the associated training school. Coexistence of such various users is enabled by a double entry disposition through two public squares on different levels. Both entrances are connected by a linear succession of representative spaces such as the southern square, the entrance hall, the auditorium, and a wide opening overlooking the north terrace. This central part of the building is an integral part of the institute, but can also be used separately, for a congress or otherwise.

Symmetrical across this central axis, the functions are organized around a set of six patios which provide natural light for the offices, classrooms and circulation spaces. The building articulates itself as a multifunctional building for collective use. Through its materiality the building aims to both articulate, absorb and reflect the surrounding nature while, at the same time, constitute itself as an inhabited landscape.

> Winner in the Category COMPLETED PROJECT – Residential

Caballero Colón, Spain

The House is located in a steep and rocky hillside covered in the local wild vegetation, from which you can enjoy a magnificent view of Canyamel Bay. The plot is accessed from the s.arch-2020-awards---2ground level; from there you can choose between a gentle zig zag path and an elevator that will take you to the main entrance. Just as you cross the front door you are greeted by the first view of the bay, framed by the infinity windows on the living-dinner room. These magnificent views will be the backdrop for every interior space in the house. Also in this floor you will find a bedroom with an en suite bathroom, kitchen and utility room, leaving two more en suite bedrooms on the top floor.
The design is based on the following principles:
1. The creation of a sequence of stone platforms to settle the volumes built on the abrupt site. 2. The positioning of four stacked boxes that accommodate the main living spaces and frame the different sections of the landscape.
3. The closure with glass surfaces of the interstitial spaces between the cuboids and the stone podiums in order to dilute the limits between interior and exterior space.
4. The free positioning of the internal elements that define the use of the living space in the house.
The proposal gives the same intensity to the design of the four rectangular prisms framing a patch of the Mediterranean Sea than the air trapped between them. That way, the interstitial space between the volumes, far from being a secondary space, becomes the true heart of the house, the place where all the different views to the bay and the hills are present at the same time, and where the materials and colours chosen reflect the bay as well as the architectural tradition in the island.

> Winner in the Category COMPLETED PROJECT – Urban/Landscape

ENOTA, Slovenia

New Koper Urban Park is set between Piranska Road and the Semedela promenade, and between the Grande canal and the area just beyond the city market. Piranska Road s.arch-2020-awards---3represents a new stage in the development of the town’s infrastructure while the promenade is one of the more important features of the town having once acted as the link between the city on the then-island and the mainland. As such, it counts among the characteristic elements in the panorama of Koper.
The area of the new city park covers a sizeable portion of the wider site and its design can thus serve as a prototype for further interventions. The new intervention offers a uniform and attractive appearance, and with its intensive hinterland greenery, it drowns the heterogeneity of the surrounding built structures. The fusing of the elements of a city beach and a contemporary city park encourages the area’s residents and visitors to use the space in different ways.
The basic building blocks of the new city park are monolithic, undulating urban elements. Their controlled placement in the space in combination with a pronounced topography of the green surfaces softly divides the whole of the park’s surface into individual introverted programme isles.

> Winner in the Category COMPLETED PROJECT – Small


Forren Projects, Canada

Concrete Construction accounts for 5.2% of global carbon dioxide emissions and the use of redundant and costly formwork creates a high waste stream. Augmented Weave explores s.arch-2020-awards---4the use of cementitious composite and augmented reality (AR) technology to develop minimal bending building components for reductions in building component weight, material resource consumption, and material waste from concrete formwork. A natural fibre substrate is coated with a cementitious matrix, then draped and woven inside a wooden armature. The draping matches a target geometry derived from a three-dimensional computationally simulated minimal-bending diagram. Using parametric design software this diagram is rationalized into discrete architectural components. Each component rationalisation produces a woven assembly of wrap and weft standards and discrete mounting plates. The plates are inversely positioned to provide targets for the placement of cementitious coated standards of felted cotton which assume minimal-bending configurations.
The fabrication and assembly is accomplished without a single drawing by utilising a mixed-reality application integrated with tree-dimensional, parametric modelling software.  A public exhibition invited visitors to occupy the pavilion, handle the material, and see visualizations of the centreline geometrics through augmented reality headset.
ound is expected.

> Winner in the Category CONCEPTUAL DESIGN – Commercial/Public

PTE, Tianyu Zhao, Hungary

The goal is to design a Capitol building that represents the identity and culture of Camarines Sur. The Camsur Capitol embodies a deep connection between the region’s landscape and its people. The design of the Capitol is a spiraling assembly ofs.arch-2020-awards---5 Pili-shaped-husks that appears like a mountain from the horizon and a flower from the sky.

Each Pili-shaped volume is a sunscreen protecting the building’s interior from the intense tropical sun while also creating a series of shaded terraces. Although the building is mainly used for government purposes, the building will remain accessible and open to the public.

The designed Capitol building is suitable for all.
The work spaces create a sense of transparency while ensuring functionality. The building is easy to use, exemplifying the country’s new vision of government vigor and potential.
The Camsur Capitol is a deeply open civic building.
In addition to the symbolic and operational accomplishments of the building, the Camsur Capitol has another unique feature. The building has been designed as an emergency command and control center so that the government can remain effective during natural calamities providing the public with water, shelter and health services. It is our hope that the Camsur Capitol becomes a demonstration project for other provincial buildings thereby setting the standard for iconic design and resilient planning.

The Camsur Capitol building is separated by use into two zones: public and administrative.
The public zone encourages community-building through a naturally-ventilated podium protected from the sun by the curving Pili nut screens that frame dramatic views out to the landscape. Fourteen conch-shaped staircases descend from the podium to the surrounding gardens offering people a rich network of amphitheater-like gathering spaces.
The administrative area provides the provincial government of Camsur with efficient, transparent and comfortable work spaces to aid in the delivery of services to local residents.
At the top of the building is a roof terrace with stunning panoramic vistas of Mount Isarog. The terrace is covered by a monumental crown made of shimmering metal mesh that diffuses glare and creates dappled shadows ensuring that the space can be used throughout the day.

> Winner in the Category CONCEPTUAL DESIGN – Urban/Lanscape

Ma_A_Mediterranean architecture_Atelier, Greece

The study area plays a key-role in the articulation of the connections between the Piraeus area and the neighboring areas of Drapetsona and Keratsini. Despite the seemingly s.arch-2020-awards---6homogeneous features of these urban systems, the urban memories accumulated within the urban section need to find a way out. This fact represents the main target of the project.
The aim of the design is to create urban character in order to turn these urban tissues to the sea.
At the same time, the urban character is supposed to vary, in order to respond to the different spatial as well as urban conditions of the context.
In few words, the study area seems to be a sort of urban «decompression chamber» where urban contradictory systems coexist.
The basic strategy of the design is to allow the continuity of the seriality of the urban blocks to enter the study area creating parallel «strips», linear zones aimed at developing the program with a high degree of flexibility in regard to urban density and land uses.
Those successive linear systems ensure urban continuity and consistency while at the same time
1- overlap with the green space
2- form discontinuities, by varying their density as they are intersect by the existing connections
Τhis way, the whole metropolitan area of Athens as well as the neighboring municipalities will be provided with public space and urban scale functions as well as neighborhood scale functions in order to reconnect this area to the whole city.

> Winner in the Category CONCEPTUAL DESIGN – Small

Prof. Adam Fingrut, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Yard of Environmental Sustainability (YES) Pavilion is a design and construction project linking architecture, mechanical engineering automation, structural engineering, industry s.arch-2020-awards---7contractors and environmental initiatives. The pavilion is a unique and premiere example of a permanent brick structure developed via computational tools and an automated parallel cable robot system, created by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers. The project uncovers the many workflow advantages found with computational design solutions linked with prevision robotic construction. Using conventional construction materials, YES Pavilion is a pioneer in completing a full-scale construction, carried out by parallel cable robot. The design illustrates the types of code-compliant structures that are possible when linking computational design
The team has partnered with local contractors and structural engineers to help realize the project and mitigate the transition from laboratory prototypes into a real-world full-scale construction project. The YES Pavilion is envisioned as a campus public space and recycling drop off location. Eight storage spaces accommodate the same volume of materials as standard recycling boxes for clothing, batteries, electronics, free library, printer cartridges, vinyl, paper and glass. The project is part of a broader campus sustainability initiative to promote a responsible material use, recycling and a green environment. The construction will also embody this philosophy through its efficient use of environmentally compliant materials and light impact upon the construction site.

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